USD Summer Music Camp 001

SKU: 001
Location: USD Warren M Lee Center for Fine Arts, 1 block south of the Dakota Dome on University Street , Vermillion, SD 57069

Summer Music Camp is a six-day experience of learning and music-making open to students who have completed grades 5–12. Activities include vocal and instrumental ensembles as well as a variety of other musical activities. Opportunities for private lessons in a specific instrument or voice are also available.  


To Apply and Pay:

  1. Complete the application below. 
  2. Fee payment in its entirety will be required at the end of the application process.  
  3. Payments can be made by credit card or ACH. If paying with ACH, you must Register in the USD Storefront located on the top banner.
  4. Scholarships will be refunded after verification.

For questions or more information,

Fields with asterisk are required.

General Information

School Information
    Camp Information
      Select any combination of major ensembles. *
      Parent/Legal Guardian and Medical Consent

      Please follow this Parent Consent Form Link to provide the parental/legal guardian consent for each attendee of the USD Summer Music Camp.  This link will take you to a new window.  After submitting the form, a copy will be sent to you and the Music Department.    Be sure to finish up the Music Camp registration once completed with the form.

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